Agroforestry 101: Enhancing Livelihoods and Ecosystem Resilience
About the course
Agroforestry is becoming increasingly recognized as a critical strategy for increasing climate change resilience and improving local community livelihoods. Agroforestry, which has the potential to maximize environmental, economic and social benefits, has also been widely used as a successful approach to sustainable land use management. Agroforestry practitioners must understand the fundamental principles of agroforestry and how to collaborate with local farmers and other relevant stakeholders in the design of agroforestry systems in order to reap the benefits. This is the focus of the e-course.
It is free
There is no charge for this course. A certificate is available upon satisfactory meeting the course requirements.
Competency tag
Integrated landscape management; sustainable forest management; community forest enterprises
Target audience
This course is designed for:
- Field and project managers in agroforestry and sustainable landscape management.
- Extension workers and community liaisons collaborating with farmers and local communities in agroforestry and sustainable landscape management.
- Individuals responsible for planning in agroforestry and sustainable landscape.
- Researchers and communication staff working on projects related to agroforestry and sustainable landscape management.
Supported devices
For an efficient learning experience, RECOFTC recommends the use of a laptop or desktop computer.
Although this e-course works on any smartphone or tablet as well as on laptop or desktop computers, many of the activities use special interactive features that would not appear on your smartphone or tablet. To participate in these activities, users must switch to a computer. These activities are marked throughout the course.
Download the e-learning app
RECOFTC's free e-learning app for smartphone and tablet is available for download on Google Play and App Store.
Agroforestry 101: Enhancing Livelihoods and Ecosystem Resilience was produced with the financial support of Nestlé. RECOFTC's work is made possible with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Government of Sweden. The contents of this e-course are the sole responsibility of RECOFTC and do not necessarily reflect the views of the donors.