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Community Forestry 101

Enrolment closes 30 April 2025

About the course

What is community forestry? What forms does it take? Why do we need to involve local communities in forest management? Is community forestry successful? What are the constraints to realizing the potential of community forestry? This course will answer these questions and more.

It is free

This course is free. A certificate is available upon completion if you pass the assessment.

Competency tag

Basics of community forestry

Supported devices

This course works on any smartphone or tablet. But some of the activities use special interactive features. These activities are marked throughout the course. To complete them, users must switch to a laptop or desktop computer. RECOFTC recommends the use of a laptop or desktop computer for the whole course for a more efficient learning experience

Download e-learning app

RECOFTC's free e-learning app for smartphone and tablet is available for download on Google Play and App Store.

Community Forestry 101 was produced with the financial support of the European Union, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The contents of this e-course is the sole responsibility of RECOFTC and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, Sida or SDC.

  1. Course Number

    CF 101
  2. Classes Start

  3. Classes End

  4. Length

    8 hours
  5. Institute

  6. Certificate

  7. Language

  8. Levels
