About the course
This e-course looks at the connection between inclusion and community-based enterprises (CBEs) developed within community forestry. It explains how and why women and other marginalized groups are often excluded in CBEs and provides practical ways to promote inclusion.
It's free
There is no charge for this course. A certificate is available upon completion if you meet the requirements.
Recommended prior learning
You may also want to take our complementary course that offers beginner-level knowledge about community forestry and natural resource management and governance. Check out the Community Forestry 101 course for information.
Competency tag
Community-based enterprises; intersectionality and inclusion
Target audience
The primary target audiences are:
- Practitioners involved in programming, managing and supporting the development of CBEs
- Forestry trainers and extension agents who address capacity needs in CBE development
- Private sector entities interested in working with CBEs
- Social and community-based entrepreneurs who want to incorporate inclusion into their enterprise or business
The secondary target audiences are:
- Policymakers promoting CBEs
- Students and teachers working in forestry and natural resources management
Supported devices
This course works on any smartphone or tablet. But some of the activities use special interactive features. These activities are marked throughout the course. To complete them, users must switch to a laptop or desktop computer. RECOFTC recommends the use of a laptop or desktop computer for the whole course for a more efficient learning experience.
Download the e-learning app
RECOFTC's free e-learning app for smartphone and tablet is available for download on Google Play and App Store.

The e-course is produced under RECOFTC's FLOURISH initiative with the financial support of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of Germany's Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) co-funded the production. The content of this e-course is the sole responsibility of RECOFTC and does not necessarily reflect the views of IKI, BMUV, Sida or SDC.