About the course
This course introduces the foundations of policy analysis. It will:
- Increase your understanding of how policy analysis can improve forest governance
- Provide tools for analysing laws
- Show what civil society’s full and effective participation in a legal reform looks like
- Discuss how civil society can participate and influence policy and laws through networks and multistakeholder forums
- Introduce how policy analysis can be used for advocacy
This course is for you if you work in the government, non-government or private forestry sector. It is for those who work with forest communities or advocate for policies and laws to improve forest governance. It can be useful to members of civil society networks or multistakeholder forums who want to participate in forest governance. Examples of a governance process include the European Union's Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) initiative and the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) program of the United Nations.
You will learn through experiential, interactive and reflective sessions with other learners.
It's free
There is no charge for this course. A certificate is available upon completion if you receive a score of 75 percent or higher on the assessment.
Recommended prior learning
This course is for professionals in the early stages of their forestry career. You may also want to take our complementary course that offers beginner-level knowledge about community forestry and natural resource management and governance. Check out the Community Forestry 101 course for information.
Competency tag
Forest governance and institutions
Supported devices
This course is accessible through any smartphone or tablet device. However, RECOFTC recommends the use of a laptop or desktop computer for the whole course for a more efficient learning experience.
Download the e-learning app
RECOFTC's free e-learning app for smartphone and tablet is available for download on Google Play and App Store.

Policy Analysis and Forest Governance 101 was produced with the financial support from the European Union, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The content of this e-course is the sole responsibility of RECOFTC and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, SDC or Sida.